Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Master's Degree

In case you are wondering, the name of this blog (MOMba) stemmed from my attitude as I made the transition to being a stay-at-home mom. A few years back, I was attending a top business school for my MBA in Marketing, where I met my now-husband, married him and now have a baby together. And then decided to shelve something I very recently spent upwards of six figures and a lot of exhausting nights to earn (referring to the degree; the marriage was a business school perk for sure). As I was trying to wrap my head around how I could still be applying my business school skills, I would tell me husband and a select handful of friends that I was going to “MBA the hell out of this staying at home business”.

What I meant by this I suppose is that I am very schedule oriented. I’m not in the least bit bragging that I am organized (though I have pinned dozens of projects on Pinterest that I plan on pursuing sometime this year to help me get better at this). But I enjoy nothing more than economizing my time and making the most of multi-tasking where it makes sense, and focusing on a single moment in time when multitasking does not make sense. Like my daughter’s Firsts, for example.

So I plan to (attempt to) master my baby abilities so that I can reduce the time needed for unimportant but vital things like laundry and meal planning, while living in the moment with Bugga’s first steps, her trying to talk to me, the first time she sees a tree and other fantastically basic things that I get to re-appreciate with her help.

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